4 digital games for language learning


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4 digital games for language learning

Everyone enjoys playing games, from board games to digital ones to physical games. The following games will help you improve not only your language skills but also your cognitive skills. Here are 4 digital games for language learning:

Mind snacks

It comes in a series form. Each form offers its own set of colorful games to aid you in learning over 100 words, phrases and lessons. The languages found on this app are French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese and German.

The main mission was to maximize fun while engaging the learner. Each mind snack app contains six mini-games to help you focus on comprehension, spelling and small errors. The first three levels on each app are free to access, but you will need to incur a cost as you progress. Though not entirely free, the app is totally worth it.

Digital dialects

Digital dialects offer over more than 80 languages. It is a website that collects global data and provides it in-game form for you. It is user-friendly with amazing graphics. What’s more, they partnered with PickWriters for localization, so all nuances of the languages are kept. Like most learning apps, it helps learn phrases, spellings and alphabets, among many linguistic features. It even offers flashcards alongside other learning materials.

Lingo arcade

Though only available to Apple users, it is one amazing app. It has its versions in Spanish, English, French and German, with Spanish being the most popular. The app comes with levels that help you learn not only the basic steps but also the complex huddles the languages have.


Scrabble is a common board game and can come in both analogue and digital forms. It helps the player find a word by creating it and earning points. Usually, only 100 words can be used, which means you get to come up with your own word search turn you play. Modifications have been made to ensure the game can also be played by various people speaking other languages, even though it was invented for English-speaking gamers.

Though methods like watching movies, listening to music or reading foreign materials can help to play games ensures you do not fall into a routine that can easily exhaust your mind.

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Mind snacks

It comes in a series form. Each form offers its own set of colorful games to aid you in learning over 100 words, phrases and lessons. The languages found on this app are French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese and German.

The main mission was to maximize fun while engaging the learner. Each mind snack app contains six mini-games to help you focus on comprehension, spelling and small errors. The first three levels on each app are free to access, but you will need to incur a cost as you progress. Though not entirely free, the app is totally worth it.

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Digital dialects

Digital dialects offer over more than 80 languages. It is a website that collects global data and provides it in-game form for you. It is user-friendly with amazing graphics. What’s more, they partnered with PickWriters for localization, so all nuances of the languages are kept. Like most learning apps, it helps learn phrases, spellings and alphabets, among many linguistic features. It even offers flashcards alongside other learning materials.

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Lingo arcade

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