The First Strike


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The flames were everywhere and a figure was still stuck inside the house. She went into the small living space of their burning home and lifted up one side of the burning rug, that wasn't burning, revealing a trap door. The figure climbed in, pulling the trapdoor down with her. Once under the trap door, she looked around. Torches were already lit and they illuminated the room. The figure walked over to a small wooden bench and took out of her pocket a picture of a girl who was smiling. The figure then took out a quill and dipped into a stone bowl. Then in the corner of the paper, she wrote a note. Before setting the quill down and going to sit on a sleeping bag that lay in the corner on the ground. She then slept soundly, for her trap had just been set. 

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Jordan had just gotten to her apartment. Her dragon was already in its pen in the secret warehouse that was under the school. Jordan had already gotten in her PJ's when she sat on her bed. She noticed that the clock on her nightstand read 10:27. Jordan hung her head thinking,

" I'm not ready to go to school tomorrow." She thought about the day she had, helping her friends fight the witch and get the Amethyst of Mist back from her. But the biggest shock was that her sister wasn't dead. Her sister was still alive, somewhere out there... and she was coming for Jordan. At that Jordan looked up and saw the same silver bracelet with its blue gemstones that blinked in the moonlight that shown through Jordan's apartment window. The bracelet belonged to her older sister, Alisa. Jordan picked it up off of her nightstand and held it in her hands, she remembered that night, the fire heating up her face, cold tears feeling like she was really sweating, and the cool night air that did not help at all. Jordan quickly shook out of that dream and put the bracelet down. She tossed her legs into the bed and covered herself with the blankets then went to bed with no trouble.


Jordan appeared outside her cabin home, it was on fire. Her mother was holding her tight, her arms and hands felt cold and nimble and they looked pale white. Her father's grip on her other arm was firm and rough yet gentle. As Jordan stared at her burning home all she could focus on were the flames that moved like the tail of a Silverstrike, quick... yet lethal. Finally, the flames started to die down with the water being dumped on it. The cold air finally did some good and it cooled Jordan off. A silver dragon landed in front of them, it extended its wing letting them figure riding on its backside off. Jordan watched as the figure took off his black hood and said,

" The fire has been put out, but we didn't find your other daughter... what we did find..." He paused to take out from his small bag attached to his belt around his waist, a silver bracelet that had blue gemstones on it. Jordan took the bracelet and she realized it was her sisters. Jordan felt a large lump form up in her throat as she looked at it. That night was cold, the other figures on the dragons showed them to the guest cabins where there were other people laying asleep on the beds. Jordan found one that was in between her parent's beds and she couldn't sleep that night. All she did was stare at that bracelet for hours until morning came.


Jordan awoke breathing heavily and sweating, she looked at her clock which showed the time of, 5:12. Jordan was hot and felt sticky, so she decided to get up and get a drink. As she walked down the short hall to the kitchen she felt herself getting hotter and hotter like she felt the fire still blazing on her face. Jordan opens the refrigerator, the light blinding her for a moment so she covered her eyes. She stood still letting her eyes adjust till when they did she grabbed a fresh cool water bottle and turned the cap off. As she drank she was grateful for the fresh cool water but as she closed the refrigerator door she felt her legs giving out and then, she fell, knocking her head on the nearby table and everything going blank.


Jordan lay awake covered in blankets with a miny fan beating on her from the head of her bed. She sat up and looked around. She was in her room and on her nightstand was an ice pack. Jordan then felt the side of her head start to throb with pain. She reached for the ice pack and put it to her head which made it feel a ton better. As she held the ice pack to her head she thought, What happened? Wait do I have school? I bet I'm missing a test and I'm going to get so much homework. Jordan layed back down and let herself fall back to sleep with the cool ice pack on her head. 


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A Secret Mission

Jordan woke up again and saw that it was late afternoon, her blinds let in a little bit of light into the room, and outside, the closed-door Jordan could hear faint voices talking. Suddenly the events of last night came back to her, and she felt her head hurt again. She held the ice pack to her head again and the pain slowly started to drift away. She looked at her door again. She slowly got up and started to walk over to the door. Jordan pulled open the door and walked down the short hallway. When she entered the kitchen and small living room she saw her friends, Endral, Mazie, and Eva. Sky and Cole weren't there. When her friends saw her Mazie immediately jumped up from the small couch and said,

" Jordan! Your up, how are you feeling? Is your head still hurting? did you see the ice pack?" Jordan smiled sweetly lucky to hear Mazie's overreacting voice again. Jordan held up her hand to quiet Mazie as she said,

" Mazie... I'm fine, thank you." Mazie took a deep breath and said,

" Well, that's good to know, come and sit down." Jordan let Mazie lead her to the couch to sit next to Eva. Endral was standing next to the window that shined the light in on the other wall next to the couch. A brown wooden fireplace was built with a Television set on top of the wall across the couch. Jordan sat down and Eva asked,

" So, how are you feeling?" Jordan smiled aimlessly and said,

" I'm fine, thanks, guys." Jordan smiled again at Eva and Mazie who stood next to Endral. Endral then said in a worried voice,

" I would like to know what happened, when we found you you were on the ground with a large bruise and scratch on the side of your head. You were sweating like a crazy girl." Jordan put her hand to the side of her head where it hurt and immediately pulled away the minute she touched the tender and bruised cut. Jordan sighed and said,

" All I remember was getting a drink and remembering the night I lost my sister..." Her voice trailed off as she imagined the fire and the cool bracelet she held. Suddenly the next thing she knew she heard Eva and Endral trying to wake her up again. She had gone into a trance. 

" Jordan... wake up, Jordan." 

" Jordan, talk to us... Are you okay?" Finally, she shook herself awake from the nightmare and said,

" Fire." She looked around and saw her friends worried faces. She then said,

 " Sorry, I'm just worried about what I read on the Amythist of Mist the other night." Eva nodded and said,

" I would be too if I found out my secret sister was still alive." Eva gave Jordan an eye that Jordan knew she should tell them the truth.

" Okay, okay... I'm sorry for not telling you I had a sister, but It's something that I would rather not tell anyone." Endral said,

" We get that Jordan, but at least try to not get dizzy before you actually tell us the truth that you have a sister." Jordan gave a scrunched up smile and said,

" Sorry." Mazie smiled and said in a cheery voice,

" She was just joking, Jordan." Jordan smiled and said,

" Well Endral, maybe leave the jokes to me." Endral smiled and gave a small chuckle while Eva put a hand on her shoulder saying,

" Good to have the real Jordan back." Jordan smiled proudly and sighed before saying,

" So, what did I miss at school?" Endral said,

" Well, we didn't have any tests but we did have another amazing match in Physical Education," Jordan said in reply,

" Aww, but I was so excited about it." Mazie came down to sit on the arm of the chair and patted Jordan's other shoulder saying,

" It's okay Jordan, the sooner you feel better then the faster you can come back." Jordan smiled, suddenly her head started to throb again. She held her hand against the side of her head, scrunching her face. 

She then saw an image form in her mind. It was like a vision. She saw her home, the same tall pine trees surrounding a small patch of land that had small wooden cabin structures built on it. Silver dragons flew around the island but as Jordan went deeper into the vision, she saw it flash to where she was standing in a crowd and she saw stands with claw-like handles that were used to hold an egg in place. Jordan then saw someone come from behind the rock wall. It was a woman wearing a grayish-white dress like outfit with black leggings and had Silver plate-like armor on her shoulder for design and a silver plate belt around her waist. Jordan realized it was her mother. Her golden-brown hair was straight as usual. Jordan tried to say something but no words came out of her mouth. Suddenly she saw a few figures moving among the edge of the open land. They were holding, large round ball-like items and as the moon shined on them Jordan saw that they were actually eggs. The figures had masks over their heads and Jordan knew they were bad people stealing the eggs. She tried to move but she couldn't. Suddenly the vision started to disappear and she opened her eyes. She was still on the couch with her friends again giving worried looks at her. Jordan looked at them saying,

" I saw something... It was like a.... a... vision." Eva tried to say,

" Jordan, what-" But she was interrupted by Endral who said,

" Jordan, I think you need to go lay down." But Mazie said,

"Endral wait, maybe we should let Jordan talk... I'm curious to hear what Jordan meant." 

" Me too." Added Eva. Endral looked at Eva and Mazie before looking at Jordan and giving her a nod of approval. Jordan sighed looking down at her knees and saying,

" I saw my home, and as I got closer I saw that they were having a celebration." She paused a moment before continuing by saying,

" Then I somehow became one of the people in the crowd... I saw my mother-" She was cut off by Endral who said,

" That much we figured." Jordan gave Endral a confused look as she added,

" We heard you say mother a couple of times out loud... sorry, continue." Jordan continued saying,

" As I was in the crowd It felt like I couldn't control my body I just moved my head. But I'm lucky I did because I saw a whole lot of figures carrying some eggs. They must have been Silver strike eggs cause they gleamed silver in the light of the moon." Added Jordan thinking to herself. Eva then said,

" Wait, you said you were at some kind of celebration, right?" Jordan nodded and said,

" And from the colors of the decorations that I saw, I would have to say it was the Yearly Silverstrike Hatcherey." Eva then asked,

" Was that the event you and Basil were talking about?" Jordan nodded and added,

" I don't recall seeing Basil at home she must have been born around the time when I was leaving for here." She gestured to her apartment. Then she heard Mazie say,

" Well, if you had some sort of vision and you know that this whole celebration is true then maybe... your vision might soon come true." Endral narrowed her eyes and said,

" Only you would think that Mazie, I mean when has a vision ever come real?" Eva then spoke saying,

" Actually Endral... I kind of have to agree with Mazie, I think we should go over to Jordan's home island and see what we can do to help and protect the people and the eggs." Added Eva as Jordan gave her a look that meant, Eva, don't forget about the eggs. Jordan then stood up and said, 

" The celebration isn't until next Monday so we have... 1...2,3... five days till Monday and we should probably leave on Sunday just to make sure we get there on time." But your not going, I don't want my dad to get mad at me for bringing outsiders home. Thought Jordan as Eva nodded and said,

" Okay, we'll be ready." Just then Mazie spoke up saying,

" Umm, Jordan, I've heard that other islands might have different ways of celebrating and what they celebrate so is there anything we should do to prepare for anything like that?" Jordan bit her lip and said,

" You guys go and get home, I'll go get some more rest... and get a plan on how I'm going to stop you from coming." Added Jordan, muttering that last part to herself as she walked down the hall to her room. She closed the door and walked over to her closet which was right next to her door. She then opened up her closet doors to reveal a somewhat cleaned closet, a few items like shoes and socks were scattered but otherwise, it was pretty clean. Jordan pushed her clothes out of the way to reveal a silver button on the wall. Next to the button was a small indent in the wall where a ninja suit and mask hung. Jordan remembered helping Endral build the hidden cave spot to hide her uniform. She first double-checked to see if her friends had left and once she identified that they were gone she quickly changed into her ninja outfit. Her mask fit perfectly over her head with her hair now in a ponytail. Jordan looked into the bag that was hooked on her belt and saw that she was low on shurikens, so she bent down under her bed where another bag was hiding under her mattress filled with more shurikens, she put the extra shurikens from her first bag into the second and clipped the second bag to her belt then she left the empty bag on her bed. Jordan was now ready, she knew that the ceremony was actually this Friday, so she had to get going if she wanted to make it there on time. Jordan then did a flip over her bed and landed in the gap between the wall and her bed. Next Jordan lifted a latch near the window seal and then lifted up on the edge of the window lifting up the glass part of the window to let in the open afternoon air. She sat on the edge of the window seal and took out a whip she had around her waist. She looked down and saw a balcony attached to the side of an apartment with metal bars so she tossed one end of the whip which was now in her hand and let it wrap around one of the bars. Then she looked down at the busy city streets and took a deep breath muttering to herself,

" This is crazy, I'm so gonna die... Jordan! don't say that, you're a ninja... You're supposed to be used to these kinds of things... I think." Added Jordan. With that she closed her eyes, taking one more deep breath before scooting off the edge. holding onto the whip as tight as she could. She let the wind beat against her face as she swung through the air. She looked and saw a clothesline without any clothing on it hanging between two balconies. When she was close enough she let go of the whip and reached for the clothesline. Her legs flailing in the air. When she caught on reached for a shuriken and cut the side of the rope, and continued to swing through the air till she managed to get onto the rooftops of houses. Jordan continued to keep a low profile and move rather quickly so that she wouldn't catch any attention. Jordan then came to the school where she entered the warehouse through a secret loose pannel that only the ninja's know about. Jordan dropped down silently onto the ground and walked over to her dragon's pen and peeking into the pen. Jordan saw her dragon sleeping with her lamp light on. The silver scales of her Silverstrike dragon shined in the light of the lamp. It made her think too much of the vision she had earlier with the eggs gleaming in the moonlight. Jordan shook back into focus and opened the creaky gate. Her dragon immediately woke up and seemed to look battle-ready at first but when she saw it was Jordan she seemed to calm down. Jordan smiled sweetly and walked into the pen saying in a soft voice,

" Hey, Silverdrop, how are you girl?" Her dragon gave a tired yawn in response and stretched her front legs. Jordan smiled and reached her hand out to hold her dragon's chin saying,

" Sorry I woke you up Silverdrop but I need a ride, and I need to get out of here as fast as I can because I'd like to get to our destination as fast as we can." Silverdrop gave a sort of low, yet high pitched roar as if asking where they were off too. Jordan looked at Silverdrop and said in a firm voice,

" We, are going home." 

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