Health Benefits of CBD


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Health Benefits of CBD

Cannabidiol is an ingredient of the cannabis and is derived directly from the hemp plant. For the past years, CBD has been used for the treatment of different ailments. Moreover, when most people hear of marijuana, they know that using this plant will get you “high”. People who get “high” after using marijuana do not know that there is a psychoactive cannabinoid that is found in the cannabis plant, and is referred to as Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). This is the ingredient that makes you “high”. However, CBD is not psychoactive, meaning that it does not make you “high”. Using CBD comes with various health benefits which include the following. 

Acts as a Pain Reliever

In the past, marijuana was used to relieve pain, but when people started misusing it, it was banned in many countries. However, things took a turn when it was realized that it offers various health benefits such as relieving pain, and was legalized in many countries. Research has shown that there are certain components in marijuana, such as the CBD, which offer relief to different kinds of pain. For instance, applying CBD Vape Oil to areas with muscle pain or on someone with arthritis helps in easing the pain. The ability of CBD to relieve pain from the body means that it also aids in reducing inflammation in the body. In other cases, researchers have reported that using CBD, together with THC is very effective in reducing pain. 

Helps in reducing Acne

Many people have at one point suffered from acne. This is a condition that no one ever wants to suffer from because most of the time women feel less beautiful when they have acne. Acne causes your face to lose its natural beauty and is often thought to be caused by various factors such as bacteria, and over production of oil from the sebaceous glands on the skin. Recent studies have shown that using CBD oil helps in the prevention of the sebaceous gland cells from over producing sebum. This reduces the likeliness of the occurrence of acne. In addition to that, the anti-inflammatory properties of CBD makes it effective in reducing acne. 

Lowers Anxiety and Depression Levels

Anxiety and depression are two health conditions that most people suffer from and usually leads to negative impact on an individual’s health. Most of the time, people with depression and anxiety issues are given pharmaceutical drugs to help them manage the condition, and other times, other patients prefer to go over-the-counter to get medication. However, drugs have a serious side-effects to the body, such as drowsiness and insomnia, and with time, can lead to organ damage. In addition to that, there are certain medications that one will get used to hence resulting to substance abuse. However, CBD products such as CBD Vape Pen, come already preloaded with CBD in the tank, and have shown a promising treatment to anxiety and depression. Patients suffering from depression and anxiety have reported that using CBD helps in reducing these health conditions, making them feel better over time. 

Improves Heart Health

The recent studies that have been conducted have showed that CBD has several benefits to the heart. Apart from lowering blood pressure, it also has the ability to improve the functioning of the circulatory system. Research has shown that high blood pressure is the leading cause of deaths in many countries, especially the United States. It is linked to many diseases such as heart attack and stroke. CBD Oil offers positive results when used in maintaining high blood pressure. 

Reduces Symptoms related to Cancer

CBD also has the capability of reducing any symptoms that is related to cancer. Most cancer patients have used CBD to help in alleviating the side effects of cancer treatment such as nausea, vomiting and even pain caused by radiation and chemotherapy. This does not mean that there are no drugs to help in relieving these symptoms. The drugs are there but most of the time, patients tend to suffer much more and face unbearable pain, forcing them to seek other alternatives. A study was conducted to test the effects of THC and CBD in relation to alleviating cancer-related symptoms. It was reported that patients who used THC did not experience any relief from the pain they were facing whereas patients who used CBD experienced a huge relief from pain, chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting and fatigue. 

Epilepsy treatment

There are cases where CBD has been used to treat epileptic patients. Recent research has shown that CBD helps in reducing the number of seizures that are faced by epileptic patients. This makes it a possible treatment in alleviating any symptoms of epilepsy. 

Assists with management of Addiction

Addiction is one of the dangerous practices that anyone can indulge in. any type of addiction, be it food addiction or drug addiction is very harmful to the body. Addiction starts from the amygdala, which is a part of the brain that is involved in addiction. Studies have shown that CBD oil helps in reducing addiction in addicts. 

Reduces different Skin Conditions

CBD is known to have an anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, anti-itchy and anti-aging properties. Itching, aging and cancer are conditions that occur as a result of the interaction of drugs that a person takes with the skin. CBD is used in the treatment of various skin conditions such as itchy skin, psoriasis and skin cancer. 

Used to treat Sleeplessness

Most people do not get enough sleep for various reasons. Some people do not sleep enough because of anxiety and depression issues whereas other people do not sleep because of sleep disorder conditions. Sleep is very important as it leaves the body rejuvenated and relaxed in the morning. However, people who have a difficult time sleeping have used CBD to treat this condition, including Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). This is because CBD has the ability to act with the brain’s receptors for serotonin, which assists in mood regulation. 

In summary, CBD has been proved to offer many health benefits to a person. Therefore, you should consult with your doctor before adding CBD as part of your medication. 


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