Looking for an Editor or Cover Designer?

Looking for a Cover Designer?
Tablo does have a generic cover available but if you want your own customised cover to reflect the style and content of your book you’ll need to either design a cover yourself or find a freelance designer. Don’t forget you need a front and back cover for ebooks and print (and best to upload jpges to Tablo). There’s a few sites we suggest you look into:
Australian Book Designers Association: For a professional cover, find an incredible range of designers, examples of their work and contact details https://abda.com.au/members/
Canva.com: Do it yourself using a range of templates.
99 Designs: Pitch your design to freelancers around the world, then choose your favourite.

Need an Editor?
Finding the right editor depends on what kind of book you're writing – it’s always good to search for an editor who has particular experience in your genre of writing. Also different editors offer different types of edits depending on what your manuscript requires i.e. an overall structural edit looking at the bigger picture (ie plot, characters, style) or a copy edit focusing on the finer detail. Tablo does not offer editorial services, but we do highly recommend you hire a suitable editor before you self-publish. The investment will make an enormous difference to the quality of your book.
Learn more about the overall editorial process, from two Australian editors Tablo recommends from our Q&A (contact details included):
Alex Nahlous: https://tablo.io/tablo-team/alex-nahlous-advice-from-an-editor
Bernadette Foley: https://tablo.io/tablo-team/advice-from-a-publisher-slash-editor
Where to go to find an editor: Often local writers’ centres have lists of freelance editors so you could look there. Here are some other resources below. We’ve just included a few English-speaking countries but please do email us further suggestions from elsewhere if you know about them. Or do add in the comments of this book, thank you!
Australia: Australian Freelance Editor’s Network https://www.fen.net.au
Institute of Professional Editors Limited www.iped-editors.org
General information from NSW Writers’ Centre http://www.nswwc.org.au/support-for-writers/resource-sheets/editors/
America: EFA Editorial Freelances Association https://www.the-efa.org/hiring/
United Kingdom: Society of Editors and Proofreaders https://www.sfep.org.uk/directory/