Rainbow Six Siege soon unveils its Operation Shifting Tides update


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Chapter 1

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege soon introduce Operation Shifting Tides updates, collecting in 2019 with two new operators and Theme Park again. Latest content heading to the hit tactical shooter further diversify its lineup gadgets, exploring new recruit India and Kenya. And with a short teaser is scheduled ahead of the 10 November revealed a new trailer leaked gadget seems to have been named the new operator to drop by Shifting Tides.


Two-speed and two armored attack the operator goes by the name of Kali. Favors an all-new time CSRX 300 bolt-action sniper rifle. Bolt-action rifle there as we have seen earlier in the Siege and equipped with a 5X and 12X variable scope. sniper who has the potential downed enemy player with a single shot to the torso. Along with unique weapons, Kali also using LV Explosive Lance gadget, which is under the barrel projectile which gadget the enemy on its territory effect. The gadgets are immune to this Bandit battery, this Mute jammers, and this Kaid electromagnetic Claws. However, ADS Jager and this Wamai (new defender) Mag-Net system is useful for LV Lance counter Explosive this time. In addition, our site z2u.com has a large quantity of safe Rainbow Six Siege Credits For Sale.


Fans will get a better look at the time and Wamai, if they are indeed the name of the operator, on November 10 during the 10 Pro League Final. A full reveal is scheduled for the closing day of the finals and is sure to provide plenty of information for fans to sink their teeth into.


Shifting Tides will come with two new operators, one Kenyan and one from India, as well as to the Theme Park map. That's about the extent of official information that we had in Season 4.

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