Arabic For Beginners: The First 5 Steps


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Arabic For Beginners: The First 5 Steps

Learning Arabic is quite a commendable endeavor, especially since it is one of the most popular languages for learning in the world. While it is challenging at the beginning, it will be well worth it in the end. Bet you didn't even know that Arabic is not only the most spoken language in Africa but the sixth most spoken language in the world. As a non-native speaker, learning Arabic will introduce you to a whole new world of language that you didn't know existed. It has completely different rules of grammar, among other things. For this reason, you will need to take a different approach to learn. Here are the first 5 steps to take as a beginner of Arabic;

Choose your Dialect

Even before embarking on your journey to learn Arabic, you need to be sure of the form you want. There are different pronunciations, accents, and other factors. If you are learning Arabic for traveling purposes, then you will need to learn the dialect spoken in a specific region. Egyptian Arabic is the most widely used variation, so if you are unsure of where to begin, then you may start with it.

Begin with the basics

Arabic is not like many languages. The alphabet is different. The writing style is different. The rules of grammar are different. If you want to learn Arabic quickly, you have to familiarize yourself with the basic elements of the language. Arabic is written from left to right. Mastering this will guarantee your smooth transition into the Arabic-speaking world.

Know how to use the Arabic Dictionary

This may look like a simple exercise, but it is quite complex owing to the fact that Arabic words stem from three-letter roots. To find a word, you have to know its root and the letter it begins with-in some instances, it may not even be the first letter in the word.

Practice constantly

Mastering any language requires consistent practice. You have to write and converse to get better at it. In this regard, you will need a translation service. IsAccurate helps you reach the best translators to aid your learning. They will translate learning material that may only be available in your native language.


You will have to go to great lengths and study Arabic. You may achieve this through television subtitles, music, books, and other resources. Take advantage of any available resources, and you will learn quickly.

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