How to Understand Vietnamese Language


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How to Understand Vietnamese Language

Vietnamese is the national and official language of Vietnam. It is the language spoken by Vietnamese people inhabiting Vietnam and other countries such as the USA, France, Japan, China, and Australia. The Vietnamese language is called Tieng Viet

The language structure of any language forms the building blocks in which the language is created. Understanding the language structure of Vietnamese provides the basis for learning and understanding the language efficiently. 

Below are tips to help you understand the Vietnamese language:

Vietnamese is a Tonal Language

Vietnamese, like Mandarin, has tones that are crucial to pronunciation and the definition of the meaning of a word. It has six tones and five-tone marks, which are essential in the pronunciation of words. When pronouncing Vietnamese words, tone and tonal stress are crucial as it forms the distinction of whether people will understand you or not. 

For people whose first language is tonal, this aspect is simple. However, for English, German and French speakers, whose languages aren’t tonal, this aspect of Vietnamese can be pretty challenging. However, with consistent practice and dedication, the tones can be mastered. 

Vietnamese Grammar 

Different languages have different rules that govern the conventions of words within the language. Understanding the grammar of a language helps you construct correct sentences that can convey a complete idea and thus communicate. To fully understand Vietnamese, you may find it necessary to involve the best Vietnamese translate - IsAccurate in understanding the language’s grammatical make-up.

Unlike other Western languages, Vietnamese grammar is easier and simpler to understand. In the Vietnamese language, verbs are not reflexive when you change the tense or subject. The nouns don’t have plural forms, unlike English words, and don’t conform to gender as in the French language. 

Vietnamese Pronouns

In any language, pronouns are essential as they are used instead of a noun or noun phrase. Since nouns are critical in any language, the importance of pronouns cannot be neglected. Different languages have different pronoun forms. 

In the Vietnamese language, there are multiple pronoun forms. For example, ‘I and You’ are the only pronoun forms to describe two speakers in the English language. There are numerous pronouns for the two speakers in the Vietnamese language depending on the gender, age, and the relationship between you and the other person. 

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