7 Reasons Why Learn Vietnamese?


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7 Reasons Why Learn Vietnamese?

Reading material to convince you to learn Vietnamese either means that you have some interest in the language or are looking for a new language to learn, right? Well, look no further because we have answers to why you should learn Vietnamese . Although not an easy language to learn, the results will be well worth it.

Authentic experiences

There is no better way to enjoy a trip than to interact with the locals in their native language. If you want to learn Vietnamese for traveling purposes, then here is your red light to proceed. Knowing Vietnamese will help you navigate places easily and even get better service in most places. Visiting Vietnam when you already know the language will also save you from scammers. Translating things like maps, passports, medical documents using IsAccurate guarantees you an even more wholesome experience than a regular tourist.

Vietnamese is not gendered

Gendered languages like English make it difficult to learn because of the constantly changing pronouns and conjugation. You will learn words as they are so, Vietnamese is one of the easiest languages to learn.

No Plurals

Pluralization can be confusing sometimes. Like the English language makes things plural by adding an ‘s.’ However, this is not always the case. Vietnamese lacking this concept also makes it an easy language to master.

Simple Verb Conjugation

Vietnamese words do not change form regardless of the context. Once you learn a word, you will continue to use it in all tenses and contexts. If you speak any European language then this comes as a welcome relief.

Simple Tenses

One consistent thing about Vietnamese is how simple everything is. It will take you less than 5 minutes to learn all the tenses in Vietnamese. Vietnamese verbs are not even conjugated. Tenses are communicated depending on the context. If that is not the easiest thing then we have no idea what is.

You already know the alphabet

Unlike many Asian languages that require you to learn a whole new alphabet, Vietnamese allows you to use the normal English alphabet with only a few changes. You will only need to master accent marks to learn Vietnamese .

No Grammar Rules

Vietnamese use very few words to communicate. It allows you to leave out tense markers and the grammar is as simple as it can get.

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