The World's Best Way To Learn Japanese


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The World's Best Way To Learn Japanese

Many people have already concluded that Japanese is difficult to write and speak, so they have already given up even before trying. But before you deny yourself the chance to experience the richness that is the Japanese language and culture, keep in mind that you will be able to speak it sooner than you think. Here are expert tips for the world’s best way to learn Japanese .

Surround yourself with Japanese

This does not mean that you should go out there and befriend all the Japanese people that you could possibly meet- this wouldn’t be a bad idea, either. Turn your home into Tokyo by doing simple things such as changing your Netflix account from English to Japanese, listening to Japanese podcasts and radio, or simply changing your phone’s settings to Japanese. This will expose you to the language all the time and make it easy for you to learn Japanese. Make use of IsAccurate for translation of any material you need when learning Japanese.

Start with what’s easy

You have to crawl first before you can walk. Although learning a new language as an adult requires a different approach from the one used in kindergarten, you must still start with the basics. Japanese is quite easy to learn because the grammar is not complicated and neither is it tonal nor gendered. Once you master the basics, then you will not experience any problems.

Learn the Kana and Kanji

Japanese has a completely different writing system from English, so to learn the language and write it properly, you will have to know Kanji and Kana. You may feel intimidated by the fact that there are over 2000 essential Kanji. And may also feel overwhelmed because they take a lot of time to learn. However, the Hiragana and Katakana are so easy to learn that if you stay focused, you can master them in a day.

Speak Japanese

Yes, you are just starting out and your Japanese may sound terrible. But it will get better as you continue practicing. Form friendships with Japanese people around you and try to have conversations with them in their native language. If you do not know any Japanese-speaking people, there are several online platforms where you can interact with Japanese speakers. You can also get a Japanese tutor.

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