Must-Know Information About Patent Translation


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Must-Know Information About Patent Translation

As a translator, you will sometimes be required to translate patent applications into another language so that other people can access the invention. When filing a patent in a foreign country, the translation should be as accurate and precise as possible-a slight mistake in wording can result in a legal gap that would make your intellectual property be subjugated. Hence, when choosing a translator, always ensure that they have industry-specific understanding before submitting your patent documents-it is wise to choose a native speaking professional.

Forms of Patent Translations

1. Filing Translation

Here, patent documents are used for the formal record in the patent application procedure. The target audience are legal experts, patent officials, and patent licensees responsible for examining the application. It is meant to convey the creation’s meaning in an easily understandable manner to enable the correct filing of the patent.

2. Translation for Information

Translation for information entails the precise explanation of the invention and its inner-workings, often it is used to complement already filed patents, particularly as evidence in court proceedings. It is usually read by industry specialists and court officials. Ensure that it is as close to the original as possible in terms of the jargon and terms. An information translation is essentially useless alone, it needs its filed counterpart for it to be effective in any formal dealings.

Why You Need Professional Patent Translations

High Quality

A specialized patent translator knows the significance of a perfect transition of your idea into the target language and ensures the results meet all the conditions set by the local patent rules. IsAccurate has a team of professional patent translators. The company offers more translation other than just patents translation


Timing is vital in patent applications- if you submit it late, you highly risk your idea being exploited. Specialized translation organizations can give you the quickest services due to the streamlined translation procedures and processes.


Even slight errors can risk your chances of earning IP protection. Employing specialized translators reduces the risk of defective translation and guarantees the precise filing of your patent.


Even though professional translators are costly, they can save you lots of money because you will only pay once as there will be no redoing of the entire thing.

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