The Ultimate Guide of Resources to Learn Slovenian


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The Ultimate Guide of Resources to Learn Slovenian

Slovenian is a language spoken by a very small percentage of people, so locating resources to learn it could be quite challenging. It also doesn’t help that it is not the easiest European language to learn. However, not to fret because we have done the heavy lifting and come up with the most practical list of resources that will help you learn Slovenian. 

In this article, we offer you the ultimate guide of resources to learn Slovenian. 


  1. Forvo

There are many resources for learning a new language, but few ever help one learn how the words sound like in pronunciation. Forvo is an especially brilliant tool for anyone who is not only interested in learning how to read Slovenian but also how to speak it. Anyone can use this resource regardless of their proficiency level. Making use of Forvo is one of the surest ways to learn how to speak one of the Slavic tongues quickly.

  1. WeSpeke

There is no better way to learn a new language than to interact with its speakers. WeSpeke offers a social platform for learners to interact with native Slovenian speakers and sharpen their language skills. You can easily set up a profile where you input your details so you can be paired with partners who match your interests. You have a partner to practice with because it would be extremely difficult to find someone in your locality to speak Slovenian. 

  1. iTalki

Some people prefer lessons conducted by a teacher rather than following instructions laid out in a coursebook. If you are this kind of person, then iTalki is one of the best sites to learn Slovenian. The site will give you the chance to have skype video calls with a Slovenian teacher. iTalki allows you to schedule lessons at your convenience so you can learn at your own pace.

  1. Memrise

This is a free downloadable app that keeps your memory jogging so you can easily learn a new language. It works by relating objects and concepts to each other, so you will find it easy to remember. In addition to that, it has regular assessments for you to track your progress. Advanced learning on the site will allow you to hold conversations with native speakers so you can practice. 

  1. Omniglot 

Omniglot will help you to make sense of the structure of the Slovenian language. You will learn the writing system of the Slovenian language then you can draw parallels to the English language. But when help is urgently required, read review at IsAccurate and pick a reliable translation company or your English and Slovenian documents. Omniglot, on the other hand, will be quite a useful resource for correctly writing words that you manage to translate in your own practice time. 

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