E waste recycling


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E waste recycling 

We have just started 2021 and we are still not able to fully recycle all the products and packaging that we use every day.

In some areas you can get four recycle bins from the council: household waste bin, recycle bin, green garden waste bin and a compost bin. Not all areas have the compost bin but there are many ways that you can do this at home in your garden. 

The thought that all the contents of our bins used to just all end up in land fill seems like a distant idea. Imagine if everything still just got dumped to rot and pollute the planet.

In some ways our technology to recycle has come a long way and there is much more use of renewable energy. More houses have solar panels and wind farms are more common. These are all ways forward to renewable energy. 

In other ways though, we still have far to go in regards to recycling.

Many people are still uneducated on what recycling really means and the importance of it.

Driving through any local amenity tip and seeing the piles of equipment sitting around waiting to be taken off, is sad.

So many things can be reused or fixed. 

Electronic waste or e-waste means discarded electrical or electronic devices. Used electronics are considered e-waste. Informal processing of e-waste in developing countries can be dangerous for human health effects and cause environmental pollution.

Electronic technology develops so quickly these days which is wonderful for many reasons. We get more complex and efficient machines and gadgets but this means computers and phones to name a few, all become out of date at a superfast rate.

Most electronic waste will end up not being fully recycled. E-waste components can contain potentially have harmful materials in such as lead, cadmium and beryllium so need to be handled properly.

We cannot forget about e-waste. It is considered the fastest-growing waste in the world. With newer smartphonesbeing released more regularly, our old phones get dumped.

Electrical waste contains hazardous waste so needs to be recycled properly so not to cause problems health wise. They also contain valuable materials. Up to 60 elements can be found in complex electronics.

We need to use more efficient ways of recycling all our waste but especially ones that can be toxic to living things and the environment.

There are many companies now that specialise in the breaking apart of electrical devices and recycling the useful components. Companies like AWA Refiners Ltd are at the forefront of this movement. Why waste and be lazy when you can take responsibility for our planet and its future.

Many devices also contain gold and other precious metals, so if you recycle properly with a professional company, you can receive cash in exchange.

There is money in recycling metals and electrics plus it has a good cause. So really there is no reason now to just dump your scrap devices. 

Now more than ever we need to start thinking of how we can protect the environment so we can have a safe and hopeful future.

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