Working from home


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Working from home

This past year we have been met with many challenges. 

Some of us have been hit hard, not being able to work due to health or because businesses have been shut temporarily or permanently.  Some however have been lucky to keep their jobs. Many employees have moved from an office setting to a home setting.

Now more than ever, work is being done from laptops or computers from our own homes. Zoom meetings and over the phone connections are now a normal part of the day. To enable those who are now working from home, either completely or partially, a good work space is needed.

Here are some tips for creatinga functional work space at home:

  • Get a good chair and desk.

 This is really important.

If you are sitting all day at a desk, you need to be comfortable. Many officer workers struggle with posture and become hunched by the end of the day. So getting an ergonomic chair and desk is helpful. Setting up functional work space provides more structure to the day.

  • Set up your office somewhere with good light.

To get the best lighting is key. If you can’t position your desk near a window, maybe get a good desk lamp. Especially since it gets dark earlier, you want to have good lighting still after 4pm. Your eyes become strained if the lighting is too dark.

  • If you have the option to close a door, close it.

 Maybe you have your children or you partner at home at the same time. If you can choose a room or space that has a door this will help. We have all seen on social media the zoom meetings that get interrupted by children. Even though it is funny to watch, it is not exactly professional or helpful to keep being disturbed.

  • Create a filing system. 

Maintain a good filing system and organisation of your equipment. Invest in buying files or filing cabinets so you are quick and efficient at your job.  Good storage is important so you can maximise even the smallest spaces. Knowing where everything is located, means you can work more efficiently. 

  • Decorate your space.

Why not call upon your local decorator, like Bulger Wicks Decorating, to help bring life to the space.

Creating a fresh bright space for you work in will help to keep you in a productive mood. If you have a space that isn’t fresh, dark and gloomy, it will make it harder to be energetic and inspired to work in that space. A painter and decorator will be able to convert your office area within a few days. You won’t have to struggle with dust sheets, prepping or climbing up and down ladders to paint. Get the professional instead to do the job quickly. This will be a very worth-while investment. 

  • Clean up at the end of the day.

Ending cycle on your work each day means you can then concentrate on your family time or other areas of your life. Clean up and leave your space tidy and organised ready for work the next day. This can help keep morale at a high level.

Let’s make the most of the new situations we find ourselves in and make the most of 2021. Good luck with creating your new office space.

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