Gemiz Of London


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Chapter 1

Libelle opened her bedroom door, the lights off and quickly her eyes adjusted. She wore a comfortable long-sleeved black shirt and black leggings, she quickly walked out closing the door quietly behind her, careful so it wouldn't make a noise. She then started to head down the short open hallway towards the large staircase of the mansion when suddenly she heard the sound of her bodyguard's loud footsteps. Libelle quickly ran to the left and hid behind one of the large pillars of the walkway. A few seconds passed till finally the large man wearing a dark blue shirt with black pants quickly walked over in front of Libelle's bedroom door and looked around before finally turning around and heading back to the large doors that were on the other side of the upstairs walkway. Libelle quickly peeked over the side of the large beam just as the doors closed, she then quickly went down the main steps and to the front door. She quickly opened it careful not to make any noise while opening and closing the door. Once outside  she ran over to the metal fence and slipped through the bars. Now out of the house and out of the street Libelle felt like she could finally breathe. with that, she ran down the sidewalk and passed her large mansion house. The sky was still pitch black with the fog in the air making the air warmer than usual and the street lights foggier. She ran and turned left on the block. She continued running till suddenly she saw ahead of her some kids push down an old man. Libelle looked at the old man as he started to reach for his cane when suddenly one of the kids kicked it away and all three of them laughed. Libelle looked back thinking, They might tell my dad that I'm out. But when she looked back at the poor old man she thought, Never mind that. Then Libelle ran over yelling,

“ Hey! Leave him alone!” The kids who Libelle realized to be two boys and a girl, said,

“ Says who?” Libelle then stepped into the ray of the street light with her hands in fists by her side saying,

“ Says me!” The girl narrowed her eyes and said,

“ And who are you supposed to be?” The boy who had black hair said,

“ That's Libelle Thorn, her dad is the famous author.” The girl suddenly said,

“ Oh, I'm so sorry miss Thorn, hey can I have your autograph, I'll bring one of your father's books!” Libelle narrowed her eyes and said,

“ No! I won't, I totally saw you treating this man like garbage you should be ashamed of yourselves, now get out of here!” Both the black-haired and dark brown haired boys started pushing the long wavy blonde-haired girl with them while the black-haired boy said,

“ Come on Ella, let's get out of here.” Ella looked back at Libelle once more with a scowl on her face as if she wanted to say something to Libelle. With that, the three kids disappeared into the thick fog. Libelle bent down and saw the man reaching for his cane. Libelle quickly gave it to the old man, helping him up as she said,

“ I'm so sorry sir, are you okay?” The old man said,

“ I'm fine young lady, thank you… but may I ask, what is a famous girl like you doing all the way out here in the middle of the night?" Libelle curled her lip in till finally, she said,

“ I snuck out, but the reason isn't worth telling.” The old man gave a single nod saying,

“ You are Libelle Thorn… are you not?” Libelle nodded as the man continued saying,

“ Well, thank you miss Thorn, I have to say you are the light in the dark, I admire that.” With that the old man went on, walking past Libelle who followed after him with her eyes all till he turned the corner that she had come around from. Libelle then thought, well that went well. With that, she continued running. It wasn't until she came to the third block on the street that she suddenly saw car lights coming down her way. Libelle stopped running as the car came closer when she suddenly saw the silver color of the car, and she started running again, realizing which car it was. But just as she came to the end of the third block that she was blocked off by the car and a woman with long wavy red hair still wearing her dark blue blouse and long red pants with dark-colored high heels. The woman said,

“ Libelle, what are you doing out here, you aren't supposed to be out here.” Libelle took a couple of steps back saying,

“ I'm getting out of the house so I can finally feel free.” The woman walked towards Libelle saying,

“ Libelle, please… reconsider, have you ever thought of how worried your father would be.” Libelle thought He doesn't care that's exactly why I didn't think about that. Finally, Libelle said,

“ Lauren, how would you feel if you were cooped up all the time would you want to get out even if it would make people worried about you?” Lauren finally came up to Libelle and putting a hand on her shoulder, she said,

“ You need to understand that your father does love you and wants to keep you safe." Libelle sighed and allowed Lauren to lead her back to the car. Once buckled up they started their way back to Libelle's large mansion home. 

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Chapter 2

That morning Libelle had woken up again to the sound of Big Ben chiming seven times and the sun shining through her large windows. Libelle changed into a black shirt with a green jacket and ripped jeans. Her long light brown hair in a braid as usual. She then went out of her room and down the large white marble stairs once on the main floor she walked over to the left of the room towards a pair of large black doors but before she opened them she looked back at the black doors that led to the large front driveway, thinking, It's so tempting to just go and try to sneak out again, but I know I'll get caught. Then Libelle reluctantly pushed open one of the large black doors that led into the dining room with the large dining table. Libelle saw a silver platter with already a bowl of oatmeal some grapes and a glass of apple juice. She sighed thinking, It's the start of another boring day, yeah. Added Libelle sarcastically thinking. 


Libelle quickly ate her food and started getting ready for her history lesson with Lauren, when suddenly she heard her phone buzz. She took it in her hand and saw it was a message from her dad that said, Your home school is canceled today, Lauren isn't feeling well, please go to your room and stay there until your karate lesson, your bodyguard will drive you. Libelle leaned back in the chair and muttered, Great, this day couldn't have gotten any more boring than it already is. She stood up and finished thinking, Oh wait… it can. with that Libelle went back up to her room. Once in her room, she went over to her couch in the middle of the room in front of the Television set which was in front of the lower windows, and sat down throwing her arms out saying,

“ Seriously, when will my life get interesting.” She grabbed the remote controller next to her and turned on the news. On the news, there was a reporter with long jet black hair wearing a cream skirt and navy blue jacket with a white shirt standing next to a picture of what looks to be a security camera capturing the image of a girl wearing a bright white outfit with feathers on her arms and an owl-like mask with a beak overhang on her nose. The owl girl also had tail feathers and white-tipped black hair with a bag over her shoulder. Libelle listened as the reporter said,

“ This was just caught on camera earlier this morning, at five forty, it looks to be an owl girl who has stolen some of the jewels in the jewel room…” Libelle ignored the rest of what the reporter had to say as her eyes caught sight of a small octagon-shaped black box with a green design on it. Libelle gave the box a curious expression on her face saying,

“What's this?” She took hold of the box and opened it not thinking what could be in there. Suddenly a large green light shined inside it, blinding Libelle for a few moments. It wasn't until the light dimed down that she was able to see a rather large Dragonfly about the size of a butterfly now hovering in front of her. The Dragonfly suddenly opened its eyes and looked at Libelle's wide-eyed, and surprised expression, giving Libelle a confused look as he said,

“ Uh… hi?” Libelle looked at the creature and said,

“ Wait! You can talk!?” The Dragonfly replied,

“ Yes… is that not common for Dragonfly's to do?” Libelle shook her head as the dragonfly said,

“ Huh, I must have been in that gemiz for so long I forgot about that, anyway, you got anything to eat?” Libelle watched as the large dragonfly started flying around landing on items in her room like her desk and her computers. Libelle followed the Dragonfly asking,

“ So… what are you exactly?” The Dragonfly flew into the air and said,

“ Great, I have to explain again, alright come take a seat.” The dragonfly flew back over to the couch and landed on the low coffee table next to the box, and once Libelle sat down again the dragonfly started saying,

“ Alright, my name is Doryo and I'm  the Dragonfly Gemizi, I grant powers and yours is the power of senses.” Libelle looked at Doryo and said,

“ So wait, wait, wait… your a talking Dragonfly that grants powers, and mine is the power of senses… how is that possible?” Doryo gave a bland and boring look saying,

“ It's called magic, ever heared of it?” Libelle leaned back saying,

“ Okay, first of all, Doryo, for the past thirteen years of my life has been boring so if I don't believe it at first then just go with me on this one, okay." Doryo suddenly flew up to Libelle's face saying,

“ I think you'll totally believe this next part, alright, take the jewel that's in the box.” Libelle leaned forwards again and took hold of the box to see a necklace with a metallic, mood-changing Dragonfly necklace in it. Libelle put it on saying,

“ Okay.. and now what?” 

“ Alright, now to activate your special power just say, Multisense, once you use that your necklace will have to recharge which means you will have to wait to use your power again till the last bar lights up. But to transform you say… Start sensing and that will activate your powers.” Libelle smiled confidently and Doryo added,

“ To detransform just say ‘ Go Still’ and you'll return to your normal self.” Libelle then said,

“ Got it… Doryo… Start sensing!” Suddenly Libelle saw the necklace light up and he saw Doryo start flying in the air towards the necklace saying,

“ Wait! No, not yet!” Then Doryo disappeared into the necklace. Libelle suddenly felt her body changing and she saw suddenly saw from her fingertips a bright pinkish color quickly turn to dark pink till dark purple till suddenly it changed to green, and continued along her body. Suddenly Libelle saw a green-tinted sheet of glass come over her eyes acting as high-tech glasses. Finally, she noticed a magnifying glass in a hidden pouch that was connected to a brown belt around her waist. Libelle looked at herself with a large smile on her face saying,

“ Too, cool!” She took a hold of the magnifying glass and looked at it with a weird look thinking, how could this be a weapon. Suddenly she saw something pop up on the glass. It seemed to be a screen, on the glass, there were multiple tabs some were labeled, Gemiz powers, and magnify powers. Libelle clicked on the magnify powers tab and started reading out loud saying,

“ The magnifying glass of the Dragonfly helps zoom in on people and items within the walls of a building and can be used as a blind device. Well, that should really come in handy, now let's go try this out!" With that, she pressed a button on her remote control making a window open. Libelle quickly jumped up and through the window to the next house roof. As she ran she thought, now this is what I call free, well I guess I'm after that owl girl. With that, she started heading for the Tower of London. 

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Chapter 3

Libelle continued running and jumping over chimneys and on roofs. It wasn't until she finally came closer to the Tower of London that she caught sight of a black figure sneaking past a few guards into an open window. Libelle narrowed her eyes saying quietly,

“ That has to be the owl girl.” With that, she went into the Tower of London following the suspicious figure. She jumped from the window seal careful not to make any noise and suddenly saw the shadowy figure disappear into the next room labeled the Jewel room. She started to move quickly and quietly among the shadows towards the jewel room. When she arrived she peeked into the room but didn't see anyone. 

“ Where did she go?” Suddenly Libelle heard something behind her, and when she looked she saw someone leaping at her. Libelle felt the person push her to the ground and once on the ground she suddenly saw not an owl girl but a boy with blonde hair and black cat ears and tail as well as a black suit with a black mask. The boy's eyes then went wide as he said,

“You're not the owl person?” 

“ Neither are you.” Added Libelle. The boy got off of Libelle and helped her up saying,

“ So… who are you?” Libelle folded her arms and said,

“ The names… uh… Dragonfly, and you?” The cat boy took out a bow from his back and lightly pulled on the string saying,

“ I'm Cat Stille, it's very nice to meet you Dragonfly, I guess you and I are both looking for the same person?” Libelle nodded and said,

“ Well then we better get on it before she decides to fly in an-” Suddenly Libelle heard something behind her and while Cat Stille asked,

“ Before she decides to do what?” Libelle held out a finger to him as her eyes caught sight of a shadow moving in some of the shadows. Libelle then whispered back to Cat Stille,

“ Follow me.” With that, she led the way around the edge of the room while Cat Stille scampered in and out of the shadows trying to make it harder for himself to be caught and suspected. Libelle continued to follow the footsteps and the shadow of the owl girl all the way to the roof. But it was when both Libelle and Cat Stille had finally made it to the roof that Libelle said,

“ Hey! Stop right there, owl!” The owl girl looked behind her with narrowed eyes saying,

“ The name's Winterwing.” Just before she jumped off the edge. Libelle went over to the edge just in time to see Winterwing rise into the air with a feather-like cloak behind her allowing her to fly through the air. Libelle sighed as Cat Stille came over saying,

“ She got away?” Libelle nodded saying,

“ And probably with more gems.” Cat Stille narrowed his eyes saying,

“ I'm not about to let some stupid bird get away with those gems!” With that, he took an arrow from his quiver on his back and shot it at a building farther away from the Tower. Libelle watched as the arrow went flying with a rope attached to it. Finally, Cat Stille pulled on the rope saying,

“ Ready to go for a ride?” Libelle rolled her eyes saying,

“ Fine.” With that, she grabbed onto Cat Stille who put his arm around her waist saying,

“ Hold on tight!” With that, they went swinging through the air with Cat Stille smiling brightly while Libelle had her eyes opened wide with fear. Finally, they landed and Cat Stille shot another arrow asking,

“ We need a plan to catch her.” Libelle suddenly spotted Winterwing running along a roof saying,

“ Swing me close to her then you keep going and try to cut her off while I run her down.” With that Cat Stille grabbed a hold of Libelle's hand and right before he jumped again he said,

“ Well, you certainly are full of bright ideas.” With that, he jumped taking Libelle with him. Suddenly Cat Stille let go of Libelle while swinging up making Libelle do a flip and somehow Libelle landed on her feet. Libelle smiled thinking, Having superpowers is amazing!  Suddenly she caught sight of Winterwing running down the roof of the houses that Libelle was on. Libelle narrowed her eyes and started running after her. As she did so she continued to see Cat Stille getting closer and closer to Winterwing till suddenly Cat Stille flipped and landed in front of Winterwing saying,

“ You've got nowhere to fly Winterwing!” Libelle finally came and blocked Winterwing the other way saying,

“ He's right, now give the gems back, now!” Winterwing narrowed her eyes saying,

“ You think you've been following me when really, I'm just a distraction from the real gems.” Suddenly Winterwing disappeared and in her place was a small flying projector. Libelle walked up to it saying,

“ She tricked us, she must still be at the Tower.” Cat Stille shook his head saying,

“ I honestly doubt it, she is probably long gone by now.” Libelle looked down saying,

“ I failed, it was my plan, I should have sensed that this was a trick…” Her voice trailed off as she suddenly said again,

“ Sense… that's it! I can sense where she is exactly!” With that Libelle took a hold of her magnifying glass and said,

“ Multisense!” Before she tossed it up in the air then jumped and flipping in the air as she caught the magnify glass and spun around on one bent foot while the other was extended and moving along the roof till finally, she stopped, putting the magnifying glass up to her left eye. She stood up and closed her eyes saying,

“ Alright, let's find Winterwing.” A breeze blew at her face, and Libelle felt exactly where the wind was coming from. She opened her eyes and saw on her green-tinted glasses a small picture up in the right-hand corner of the screen. The picture was of a small hidden workshop near the West End Theatre. Libelle said,

“ I know where she is, follow me.” Suddenly Libelle felt something vibrating on her chest, just as she looked, Cat Stille said,

“ Your necklace is flashing, what does that mean?” Libelle replied,

“ It means, that my necklace has started to recharge so that I can use my power again soon, now let's go!” With that Libelle started running on the roof again with Cat Stille close behind her asking,

“ Where are we going?” Libelle replied,

“ To a workshop near the West End Theatre.” Cat Stille then stopped running and said,

“ I know a short cut.” With that Libelle said,

“ Lead the way kitty cat.” With that Cat Stille shot another arrow and grabbed Libelle's hand before jumping off the roof. 


Indeed Cat Stille did know a short cut but it was when they finally came to the workshop that they realized the windows and doors of the place were almost entirely covered up with a tarp. Libelle then found a window on the roof that was left open and uncovered. She went to go in when Cat Stille grabbed her shoulder saying,

“ What if it's a trap?” Libelle replied,

“ Then you stay up here, and keep a lookout, it will be better than both of us falling for it, but also…” She closed her eyes and when she opened them she saw a sensor activated on her glasses. 

“ I'll have these to detect anything suspicious.” With that, she fell through the window and landed as silently as she could. Libelle expected an ambush of some sort but nothing happened, so she stood up and started looking around. It was hard to see in the darkroom but the light coming from the open, ceiling window helped. Libelle saw on a wall with a work table leaned against it, were pictures of owls and different information based on Owls. Libelle suddenly saw a box on the desk that looked exactly like the box that her Gemizi came out of, but when Libelle opened it, she saw that it was empty. Libelle narrowed her eyes thinking, Of course, she must get her disguise from a Gemiz, as I do, I guess we will have to get it back. Suddenly Libelle heard something slam on the roof above her. She looked up and saw that the window was now closed. She ran over and looked up yelling,

“ Cat Stille! You up there!?” No answer, Libelle was about to grab her magnifying glass when suddenly she saw on her mask a warning sign blinking red in front of her. She turned and saw something headed straight for her. Libelle soon realized it was a bolas. She ducked her head and saw the bolas hit the wall behind her before seeing a figure come walking out of the shadows. Libelle narrowed her eyes once she saw who the figure was. The figure had a large white and black feathered cloak and more feathers dangling from her arms. Around her waist was a black belt while the girl also wore a white suit with gray boots. Libelle narrowed her eyes at Winterwing as the Owl girl said,

“ You don't have to worry about your kitty friend, because I scared him away.” Libelle narrowed her eyes and said,

“ I doubt it, he's pretty brave from what I've seen.” 

“ Alas, an Owl can easily scare off a poor little black kitty.” Winterwing thrust her cloak out of the way as she tossed more bolas at Libelle who easily bent down and barrel rolled in the air, dodging them. Once back on her feet Libelle said,

“ But I doubt and Owl can see a small little Dragonfly… like me.” With that, she started running and jumped on the side of the wall still running towards Winterwing who started to fly in the air swinging another bolas in the air. Finally, Libelle jumped grabbing her magnifying glass and holding it up in the sunlight, and positioning it in Winterwing's eyes. Winterwing covered her eyes as she let go of the bolas which hit the wall again. Libelle landed and turned around to see Winterwing roll on the ground as Libelle said,

“ Well, now I know why an Owl doesn't do so well in the day.” Suddenly Winterwing threw her cloak aside as she whipped around throwing a bolas. Libelle jumped and spun sideways like a barrel in the air. But suddenly felt something wrap around her legs which prevented her from landing on her feet. Libelle hit the ground hard and rolled on the ground. She sat up and started trying to get the bolas from around her legs but they were too tight. She suddenly saw Winterwing slowly walking towards her saying,

“ Well looky there, I caught a bug, I guess I can see you.” Libelle looked up at Winterwing with fear in her eyes. Suddenly Libelle heard a large boom which blew Winterwing off her feet till she hit a wall. Libelle barely moved but it wasn't until she heard someone above her on the roof saying,

“ How come no one invited me to a dance-off?" Libelle watched as Cat Stille jumped and landing on his feet he quickly came over and using is sharp cat claws he cut through the ropes and helped Libelle up by the hand saying,

“ You okay Mi' lady-fly." Libelle smiled sweetly and said,

“ I'm fine, thank you Cat Stille, but… when did you have time to make a nickname for me and where did you go, I thought you were keeping watch?” Cat Stille replied,

“ I was, until a little birdy came and left me tied up on the roof, it took me a while to get free but it seems that I came just in time.” He looked back at Winterwing. Libelle followed his gaze and said,

 “Yeah, thanks, now let's see if we can't get anything out of her.” With that Libelle went over and grabbed Winterwing and put her hands behind her back saying,

“ Where are the crown jewels?” Winterwing continued to look down as she said,

“ And why would I tell you two?" Cat Stille replied,

“ Because we caught you and theirs no way you can get away this time.” Libelle saw Winterwing give a smirk as she said,

“ Well… I wouldn't say that theirs no way, but I'll give you a hint as to where they are… She's sneakier than a cat and scalier than a lizard, she senses just as well but can't walk at all.” Suddenly Winterwing bent down rolling making Libelle fall forwards into Cat Stille who allowed her to fall on him. Libelle quickly got up off him just in time to see Winterwing jump out through the window saying,

“ It was nice to meet you, my master will be so happy to know theirs more gemiz in London.” Libelle looked back at Cat Stille saying,

“ We need to catch her!” Libelle jumped up and onto the roof but when she stopped to look for Winterwing she didn't see anyone like her. Libelle sighed just as Cat Stille came up and he said,

“ She's gone?" Libelle wrapped her arms around her and hung her head saying,

“ It's all my fault, I was so close to finally stopping the person who stole the crown jewels, but she somehow managed to get away.” Libelle started to feel like she was on the verge of crying when suddenly she felt a hand on her shoulder and she looked up to see Cat Stille looking at her sweetly with a nice smile on his face saying,

“ Don't worry, we'll get her, I promise, but for now we need to figure out what we have.” Libelle took a deep breath and said,

“ Your right, thanks Cat.” 

“ Anytime Dragonfly.” Suddenly Cat Stille said,

“ I better go, I've got somethings I've got to do.” Libelle nodded and said,

“ Yeah, okay.” With that, she watched as Cat Stille ran in one direction and jump over a chimney before turning and jumping to a street lamp till finally jumping onto another block of houses. 

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